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Press releases.

This page contains press releases that has been issued for this Amateur Investor site. - You are free to use these press releases in printed news papers, on TV or on other internet sites.

If you have any questions regarding these Amateur Invest press releases, please do not hesitate to get in contat with us.

Press release: 2006-10 - 2006-04

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#### Press release, for immediate release, October 2., 2006 ####

For the Editor of the finance / software sections.

invest, money, personal finance, stocks, portfolio management

Free investment software.

A new version of the program "Amateur Invest" has just been shipped.

Amateur Invest can help you with your investments, all the way from novice investor to semi-pro investor. It contains many features found in professional investor tools, yet it is made to be easy to use.

With Amateur Invest you can track the value of stocks, and other investment instruments, and have prices downloaded automatically and for free. If you enter your own portfolio, then the value of your portfolio is also updated automatically. Even investments in foreign currencies. You have graphs and reports available, and an investment advisor, and technical analysis makes it possible for you to get an investment advantage.

Amateur Invest also contain a bank account and budget area, so you can follow all of your personal finances in one place. Your information is kept private, so that only you, know your personal finances. None of your private information is stored on the internet.

The new version, Amateur Invest 2007, now comes in two. A free version with a few limited features, and a registered version with all features available.

Try it for free today by downloading it from www.amateur-invest.com.


R. Michael
/ www.amateur-invest.com/us_simply.htm


Press release available in text at:

#### Press release, for immediate release, April 4., 2006 ####

invest, money, personal finance, stocks, portfolio management

Do you invest ?

And are you ready to make money ?

Then the new release of the shareware program "Amateur Invest" might be what you are looking for.

"Amateur Invest" can take you all the way from novice to pro investor. It contains many features found in professional investor tools, yet it is made to be easy to use. - Don't loose, be a winner. Get the right investment tool.

With Amateur Invest you can track the value of stocks, and other investment instruments, and have prices downloaded automatically and for free. If you enter your own portfolio, then the value of your portfolio is also updated automatically. Even investments in foreign currencies.

You have graphs and reports available, and an investment advisor, and technical analysis makes it possible for you to get an investment advantage.

Amateur Invest also contain a bank account and budget area, so you can follow all of your personal finances in one place.

Your information is kept private, so that only you, know your personal finances. None of your private information is stored on the internet.

Try it for free today by downloading it from www.amateur-invest.com - get the investment edge.

R. Michael
/ www.amateur-invest.com/us_simply.htm

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Software, Money, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual funds, Personal finance, Trading, Technical Analysis, Stock Ticker, Currency

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