Stock market.How does the stock market work? What is a stock exchange? - Download stock market software.What is: A stock exchange is the place where stocks / shares are bought and sold. And the stock market is the total sum of all the exchanges. The term "exchange" means that you give something (in this case shares), and receive something in return (in this case usually money). Examples of such stock market places are the New York stock exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, the London stock exchange (LSE), Tokyo stock exchange (TSE) and Deutche Borse (DB). Companies might have their shares listed on several of these stock exchanges. This means that their stocks can be bought and sold 24 hours a day, because of the differences in timezones. So how does the stock market work?Many factors influence prices, but basically it is supply and demand. - If many people want shares in a specific company, but only a few wish to sell - then the price will go up. And vice versa - if only a few wish to buy, and many wish to sell - then the price will go down. The world economy, the country economy, the sector economy, and the influence of "big players" are all factors that influence the price. If the economy is well in a specific region, country or sector, prices tend to go up - since people have money to spend, the companies are making a profit, and the outlook for the future is bright. "Big players" are hedge- or pension funds, that have huge sums of money to invest. If they decide to invest in a company, usually the price will also go up. All this needs to be tracked and monitored. And all these factors has to be taken into account, when you invest your money. Please scroll down this page to find more stock
market information about: Amateur Invest is an easy to use software program - in which you can manage your investments in the stock market. You can download stock market software for free by pushing this link. - The link will bring you directly to the download page. - Also you can use this investing site to learn much more about investments and how to use the software program.
When you download Amateur Invest, you can try out the program yourself, and see the many features for free. - No obligations or strings attached! - But if you like to register, you can do it from here. An example of the main page looks like this (click on picture to enlarge): Tip: From the main window, you can choose the security register. There you can enter as many stocks, bonds, etc. as you like. Then you can use those securities, when you enter your own portfolio. And you can have prices updated automatically via the internet for free. These are just some of the functions in the program. You can follow many different stock prices, and have all profit loss calculated in your own base currency. Amateur Invest brings you the following benefits: - It is easy to use stock market software: Read more about, what Amateur Invest can do for
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