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Beta software

On this page, you can follow the continued enhancements to Amateur Invest - enhancements are often released as beta versions before a full new release is made available.

New beta versions will be made available on this page. Please note that beta software is an incomplete version, made available for test purposes. Functions may be incomplete and there may be errors.

Download, try and register the current version, and you can get the upgrade for free, once the beta software period is over!

Amateur Invest 2010, Rev. A+ has been refreshed on Jun. 1. 2011
- there is no current beta software version available...
US full beta version: ai-beta.exe, US Update: ai-beta-upd.exe
No beta software is available at the moment - next version will be available soon.

Under development in beta software versions:

- In Amateur Invest beta:

  1. (no beta software version available at the momement)

- Features planned for next Amateur Invest - comming beta versions:

  1. User requests....
  2. Have deals in same company shown together as one deal in portfolio.
  3. Export to Excel functions - not started.
  4. Update report functions - not started.
  5. Updated icons in user interface - under construction
  6. Possible lock error when using automatic price downloads - not started.

Features planned for later beta software releases:

  1. New: See quotes in local currency also.
  2. Improved: End user report generator.
  3. Improved: Import functions in general.
  4. Improved: OLE integration with eg. spreadsheets.
  5. Improved: Limit / stop loss+profit alarm also with +/- or %.
  6. Improved: More technical analyses.
  7. Improved: More investment advisors.
  8. New: End user graph generator.

Some of these facilities could be developed separately because these programs could take up too much space in Amateur Invest. No firm release date has been set - support the development by registering.

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