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Free Investment Links.

On this page, you can find mostly investment links and software links as well as some other links to other internet places of interest.

We check the links regularly to make sure they are working. But if you notice an error with the links, please contact us to let us know, so the problem can be solved.

Amateur Invest Link information.

Link to us Link to us - Information about; How to get listed here, How to link to Amateur Invest, PAD support, etc. - And make money by becoming an affiliate.

Links to other interesting sites - eg. investment links and software links, many provide free services also:

Active-Freebies.com - Actively Seeking Free Stuff! - Active-Freebies.com offers a large selection of active free stuff. Our freebies and free stuff are checked regularly to ensure that listed freebies are active. Also constantly adding new free stuff.
(w.active-freebies.c/freebies/credit_and_finance/ - PR4 - 0215)

Christopher Lott runs this investment site. Ask questions or search for answers: - The Investment FAQ.
(invest-faq.c/links/software.html - PR3 - 0215)

Corporate Finance & Venture Capital in the East Midlands - managed by Venture Investment Partners.
(w.ventureip.co.uk/webLinks.asp - PR3 - 0215)

HowAmazing.com - Collection of valuable free resources and tools for developing incredible websites.
(w.howamazing.c/finance.htm - PR3 - 0215)

Portfolio management - We offer a full portfolio management service so you can have the security that your investments are being managed and monitored as if you were doing this yourself.
(w.portfolio-management-uk.co.uk/lank.html - PR0 - 0215)

Investor Links - Links for investors to find more information.
(w.investorlinks.c/directory/financial-software/personal-finance/ - PR- - 0215)

PR- = Grey pr, PR? = Link page not found

More software and investment links can be found here: low resources and here: other resources.

NB: Looking to make money ?
- Take a look at the
venture capital page.

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