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Download stock prices, stock quotes, share prices for free.

The money, stock and portfolio management software program Amateur Invest can download stock prices / stock quotes / share prices, and prices for other securities (bonds, mutual funds) from many companies and many countries around the world automatically, via the internet. - This can be done in almost real time - For FREE!

Stock prices / stock quotes / share prices are used by the program to track the progress of your portfolio. Also you can use historical stock prices / share prices to do many kinds of analysis - to find out which stocks / shares / securities to buy. For example you can get investment advise and do Technical Analysis in the program.

Instructions for downloading stock prices:


News about stock prices:

There are 3 methods for downloading and importing stock prices / stock quotes / share prices into Amateur Invest. In all cases you use the "Import/Export" window. - Only a few clicks away, and everything is updated automatically.

Since there could be changes to definitions and improvements made to the download and import facilities in the program, it is always a good idea, to download the latest version. Download and try it for free by pushing the link to the left.

Method 1: Automatic import from Yahoo.
This is the most flexible, since you can define your own companies, and have almost realtime updates of the stock prices / stock quotes / share prices - for free.
Download stock prices, stock quotes, Download share prices - via Yahoo - for free. More information about the definitions for Yahoo, and the import/export facility, can be found on this Amateur Invest FAQ internet page, and in the programs help pages.

Please note, that problems with the automatic free download of stock prices, use a service provided by Yahoo. - Problems with the download are usually related to problems or changes at the Yahoo site. Please report them.

Method 2: Automatic import from the Amateur Invest site.
This updates the stock prices / stock quotes /share prices for the companies that originally comes with Amateur Invest. Usually the stock prices / stock quotes / share prices are updated every 2 weeks.

Method 3: Automatic full reload of all data.
Here the stock prices / stock quotes / share prices, and the company data in the databases are completely replaced by the latest data from the Amateur Invest site. This is usually only necessary, when you run Amateur Invest for the first time.

Finally you can also enter stock prices into the program yourself. This is done in the prices & info window, where prices / quotes can be entered one at a time or in a serie.


Since you can use the import via internet feature in Amateur Invest, the updating via separate files from this page has been stopped.

Interested in supplying stock prices?

If you have some companies that you update on your own, and would like to see included in the general distribution, please send an email to Simply Data.

Stock splits, name changes, mergers, etc.:

Many things happens all the time, that influence stock prices. Once in a while, companies split their stock, merge, or change their name. It is therefore necessary once in a while to update the stock prices in Amateur Invest. News about such splits, etc. can be seen by clicking on the link. If you have knowledge of stock splits, you can add that information to the bulletin news board or send an email to Simply Data.

Euro currency for some countries:

Please note that many european countries from the 1st. of January 1999 began to use the Euro currency in all financial transactions.

This influences Amateur Invest, so that stock prices for Germany and France are quoted in EUR instead of the prior Deutche Mark (DM) and French Francs (FFR).

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